Cough caused by seasonal allergies

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Many individuals all over the world suffer from chronic cough. It is important to note that coughing is a symptom of seasonal allergies and millions of individuals has allergies every year. Once the allergy is identified as the source of the cough, the doctor might recommend various medications to manage it properly. The best way to stop coughing due to allergies is to eliminate the source such as pollen, ragweed as well as animal dander and dust mites.

Find the source

Seasonal allergies contribute to one of the three main causes of chronic cough includes upper airway cough syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease and asthma. This is why a doctor should be consulted to determine why an individual has cough.

In case the cough is not chronic, it might be due to the common cold, bronchitis or flu. The cough might be due to other potential sources such as smoking, lung disease or a psychosomatic issue. If the individual has difficulty breathing, cough worsens or does not respond to treatment, a doctor should be consulted for advice regarding the source of the cough.

Seasonal allergy
In case postnasal drip occurs, it can cause irritation in the throat and coughing to expel the mucus.

How allergies trigger cough

Allergens which include pollen can trigger the immune system to produce antibodies that can trigger the generation of chemicals in the sinuses and nose, causing them to become swollen and release mucus. In case postnasal drip occurs, it can cause irritation in the throat and coughing to expel the mucus.

Allergens can also trigger the immune system to initiate a reaction in the lungs, specifically allergic asthma. The lining of the air passages in the lungs thickens and the muscles become tight around the airways. This makes it difficult for air to pass through and results to chronic cough.


Most doctors will perform a skin or blood test in order to determine if the cough is due to seasonal allergies. The doctors have various options in managing the symptoms. Antihistamines help clear the mucus that leads to coughing.

Corticosteroids such as prednisolone and dexamethasone can be given to manage severe allergies. In some cases, allergy shots help the body establish immunity to the allergens.


The ideal way to prevent an allergic cough is to avoid exposure to pollen or other offending allergens. During the spring and summer season, it is vital that the individual will stay inside if possible, close the windows and utilize an air conditioning unit.

If going outdoors is a must, all clothes should be washed right away to eliminate pollen. In some cases, pets must be avoided since they are the source of dander that can worsen allergies. Hypoallergenic covers should be used on pillows and mattresses in order to repel dust mites. In addition, air purifiers can be used to help eliminate allergens present in the inside air.

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