Do I have green tea allergy?

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Even though green tea allergy is uncommon, green tea is capable of triggering an allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. Once an individual experiences undesirable symptoms after consuming any product that contains green tea, he/she must stop and schedule an appointment with a doctor.

Most of the symptoms of green tea allergy are somewhat similar to other types of food allergies and occur as a result of an overly responsive immune system to the compounds present in green tea. Always bear in mind that the body wrongly identifies the compounds as a threat to the body and initiates the production of IgE antibodies and histamine to fight them off.

Respiratory symptoms

One of the common symptoms of any type of food allergy involves a reaction in the respiratory system. In most cases, the sinuses are usually involved due to the inflammation brought about by histamine. As the sinus cavity starts to swell, it traps the mucus that results to increased pressure all over the head. This can lead to sneezing episodes, postnasal drip, sinus headaches, congestion and facial sensitivity.

The asthma-like symptoms can also occur in some individuals that include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing and intense coughing.

Green tea allergy
As the sinus cavity starts to swell, it traps the mucus that results to increased pressure all over the head.

Skin reactions

The skin can be affected by a tingling sensation or rashes. The typical skin rashes linked with green tea allergy include eczema and hives. When it comes to hives, they are welts that are red-colored, itchy and raised. This skin condition can manifest in just minutes and vanish for unknown reasons. As for eczema, the skin is hypersensitive along with tingling in the lips, face, tongue or throat.

Digestive symptoms

The digestive symptoms typically manifest within a few minutes up to an hours after the consumption of products that include green tea if the individual have the allergy. The usual symptoms include bloating, vomiting, gas as well as diarrhea and stomach pain. Take note that these digestive symptoms can be mistaken for food intolerance which requires proper assessment and diagnosis by a doctor.

What to do during severe reactions?

Even though uncommon, green tea has the potential to trigger a severe reaction called as anaphylaxis. It is important to note that anaphylactic shock develops once an individual ends up with a systemic reaction.

Large amounts of histamine are generated all over the body which causes the body to go into a state of shock. The throat becomes swollen, hives starts to break out, the blood pressure abruptly drops, abdominal pain starts and the individual starts to become anxious and dizzy. Remember that anaphylaxis is considered life-threatening and requires immediate medical care. Once the individual is taken to the nearest emergency department, further care can be given.


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