Usual remedies for tendonitis

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Tendonitis or tendinitis is described as an overuse condition of the tendons that connects muscles to the bones. In most cases, the inflammation that develops after the tendon is pulled can affect the neighboring muscles, joint or bursa tissue. The usual areas for pulls or strains that trigger tendonitis include the shoulder rotator cuff, forearm, wrist and elbow area as well as the Achilles tendon in the heel of the foot. The best way to provide relief to the swelling and pain are similar to other injury sites but the degree of treatment required usually depends on the severity of the tendon strain.

Avoidance of activity

The pulled tendons can occur from engaging in chronic constant movements such as those utilized in sports, carpentry or data entry tasks. In most cases, getting enough rest is recommended right after any overuse injury. The individual should stop engaging in any activity that triggers the pain right away in order to minimize further strain on the tendon.

During the initial 2-3 days after the start of the tendonitis symptoms, cold therapy is usually recommended to manage the swelling.

Stopping any activity that triggers the tendonitis pain can provide relief as well as allowing proper healing of the injury. The rest period must continue while the swelling and pain are still present.

Support aids

Once the individual resumes his/her activity or wants to immobilize the pulled tendon for pain relief, site-specific support aids must be used. A hard cast or splint is usually prescribed by the doctor to deal with the stress placed on the tendon as well as promote proper healing.

In most cases, a sling can provide better support for rotator cuff tendonitis while the use of crutches or cane takes off the weight from a leg with Achilles tendonitis.

Pain medications

Always bear in mind that tendonitis can cause intense pain especially when the individual moves. Aspirin or ibuprofen is commonly used to manage the pain. In some cases, an anti-inflammatory shot of cortisone is also administered to help manage the pain.

Warm or cold therapy

During the initial 2-3 days after the start of the tendonitis symptoms, cold therapy is usually recommended to manage the swelling. Suppressing the inflammation helps reduce the pain and promotes healing of the tendon strain.

Later in the recovery period, it is advisable to utilize warm therapy before stretching or when the muscle and tendon aches seem to persist. There are reusable gel packs that can be chilled as a cold compress and microwaved to be used as a warm compress. The individual should apply a warm or cold pack at 20 minutes at a time.

When to resume activity

There are various ways to promote the recovery process of a tendon strain via exercise, but any method used should take place in a gradual manner. It is recommended to perform simple range-of-motion stretches for flexibility, mild stretching of the pulled tendon to warm up prior to exercise as well as workouts that increases in intensity to strengthen the affected tendon.


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