Expired yogurt: What are the potential side effects?

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Expired yogurt can trigger a variety of undesirable side effects. If an individual consumed expired yogurt and worried of these side effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Watery, loose stools or diarrhea is a usual indication of a food-borne ailment. These illnesses are triggered by bacteria brought about by incorrect handling of food. The bacteria can also grow and buildup on aged or incorrectly preserved foods including yogurt.

An individual is likely to end up with diarrhea if expired yogurt was consumed since the body attempts to eliminate the harmful toxins. This can be prevented by checking the expiration dates on the packaging and avoid consuming one if it is past the expiration date. The intake of fluids should be increased to prevent dehydration.

The cramps in the abdominal region might also arise if expired yogurt was consumed.

Stomach cramps

The cramps in the abdominal region might also arise if yogurt was consumed. If contaminated food has been eaten, there might be a delay in the symptoms for hours to days depending on the bacteria and amount consumed.


Vomiting can arise after consuming expired yogurt. Continuous episodes of vomiting can lead to electrolyte imbalances, physical weakness and dehydration. A doctor should be consulted if vomiting or other associated symptoms arise if the individual consumed expired yogurt.

Safety considerations

Yogurt and other dairy products must be stored on the refrigerator shelves instead of the door for the ideal preservation. It should not be consumed after the indicated use-by date. If the yogurt has not passed the use-by-date but smells unusual, discard it.

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