Arterial embolism

Femoral nerve damage: What are the signs and symptoms?

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The femoral nerve is comprised of fibers inside the leg that facilitates leg movement and sensation. Once this nerve is impaired due to disease or trauma, the symptoms can manifest. Even though this injury is considered uncommon, a doctor should be consulted if any of the signs and symptoms of femoral nerve damage are evident.

Numbness or tingling sensation

The femoral nerve is responsible for transmitting messages from the brain to the leg muscles which allows them to extend the leg and react to external stimuli. Once femoral nerve damage occurs, the individual can experience unusual sensations such as tingling or numbness in the affected leg.

Take note that these sensations can occur around the knee and can even radiate up to the thigh or calf muscles. The tingling or numbness can cause discomfort and even occur along with knee instability or muscular weakness in some individuals.

Instability of the knee

Femoral nerve damage
Take note that these sensations can occur around the knee and can even radiate up to the thigh or calf muscles.

An individual who endures femoral nerve damage can suffer from knee instability as a symptom. Instability of the knee can cause the joint to lock or buckle once the individual tries to walk or climb up stairs.

This symptom of damage to the femoral nerve can make it hard for the individual to stand or move about normally. Even though uncommon, the sore sensations can develop within the knee due to instability in some individuals.

Weak knee or leg

Damage to the femoral nerve can result to weakness inside the leg or knee of the individual. The muscle weakness in the affected leg can make it hard for the individual to walk or stand normally.

The sensations of weakness can be quite evident as the individual attempts to walk down a flight of stairs. Depending on the severity of the femoral nerve damage, the symptoms can be momentary or permanent.

Once any of the signs and symptoms of damage to the femoral nerve are observed, the individual should set an appointment with a doctor as soon possible. With proper assessment, the exact cause can be determined and the appropriate treatment can be started.

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