Foot corns

Foot corns

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Foot corns are defined as hardened skin layers that form as a response of the skin to pressure and friction.

What are the signs?

An individual has foot corns if the following are present on the sides and tips of the toes:

  • Tough, rough and yellowish patch of bumpy or lumpy skin
  • Discomfort when wearing shoes
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin to touch

Foot corns can be safely treated and can be prevented. Some of the usual sites in the foot where they form include beneath the toenail bed, between the toes, sides and base of the feet.

What is the cause?

Foot corns
Some of the usual sites in the foot where they form include beneath the toenail bed, between the toes, sides and base of the feet.

Foot corns might form when wearing shoes that are too tight on the foot. If the individual stands or walks for extended periods of time, the weight of the body and continuous friction can result to sore corns on the base of the feet.

Management of foot corns

If an individual has foot corns, there are some home measures that can be done at home. Avoid wearing shoes that are too small for the feet as well as ill-fitting shoes.


The foot corn can be removed with the following measures:

  • Immerse the feet in a warm bath with Epsom salts
  • After soaking, pat the feet dry using a clean towel and moisturized with cocoa butter or a hydrating lotion
  • Continue the process daily until the corn has softened
  • Once soft and not painful, try to rub gently using a pumice stone
  • In case the corn is between the toes, utilize an emery board
  • Repeat these steps until the corn has disappeared which can take up to a few weeks

Castor oil and corn pads

  • Pat the feet dry and apply castor oil
  • After application, wrap it with a special corn pad. The pads help lessen the pressure from the site to promote healing.
  • Wear socks that are not tight.

Over-the-counter remedies

Corn pads that contain salicylic acid can be used and applied on foot corns. Simply follow the instructions given. Expect the corns are to vanish as quickly as 2 weeks.


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