How to deal with spasms of the trapezius muscle

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The trapezius muscle is one of the large muscles situated at the base of the neck that runs all the way down to the shoulder blades. There are various conditions and movements that can cause this muscle to spasm and some would require proper assessment of a doctor. With this in mind, it is vital to understand the causes and treatment options when it comes to spasms of the trapezius muscle.

The spasms of the trapezius muscle can be accompanied by pain, stiffness, tingling and weakness. When the muscle starts to spasm, the fibers inside will contract at the same time. The tightened muscle fibers will disrupt the flow of blood to the muscle, causing further pain and irritation. The pain can also cause the spasms to tighten and increase. You can provide pain management measures to provide relief to the individual experiencing the pain. All you have to do is to enroll in a first aid course today.

What are the possible causes?

The spasms of the trapezius muscle usually occur once the muscle is stretched, torn or strained. Take note that this can develop when the individual unexpectedly falls, lifting heavy objects frequently, abrupt movement that strains the muscle or twisting while lifting. It is important to note that the neck and back muscles face a higher risk for spasms since they are often already tensed up and tight from daily activities.

Trapezius muscle
The spasms of the trapezius muscle usually occur once the muscle is stretched, torn or strained.

Treatment options

When treating a trapezius muscle spasm, all you have to do is to rub an ice cube over the affected muscle for about five minutes. This will help constrict the blood vessels which helps release the tight muscle fibers.

You can provide the individual with an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen to provide relief to the inflammation and pain. As for spasms that do not seem to decrease after a span of three days, you have to cover the trapezius muscle with a moist, warm towel for about 20 minutes to promote the flow of blood while at the same time ease the swelling and pain. This can greatly help in providing relief to the individual.

Important considerations to bear in mind

It is vital to note that severe back and neck pain must be properly assessed and treated by a doctor. Abrupt spasms that are accompanied by weakness, tingling or numbness can indicate a nerve injury or a ruptured disk. If the condition is left untreated, chronic back pain can eventually weaken the muscles and progress to muscular dystrophy. Aside from triggering more pain, this fatal condition can cause walking difficulties, breathing complications and problems with head control.

If you suspect that an individual is suffering from spasms on the trapezius muscle, it is best to have it properly assessed by a doctor as early as possible so that the appropriate treatment options can be started.

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