Cramping of the gluteus

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Once muscle cramps occur, it can stop an individual from engaging in any kind of activity. These abrupt, involuntary muscle contractions will make it momentarily impossible for the individual to utilize the affected muscle and can occur at any time of the day. As one of the biggest muscles in the body, the gluteus is very active in various activities. Once the gluteus starts to cramp, there are ways in order to manage and prevent further issues from occurring.

What is the gluteus maximus?

The gluteus maximus starts along the posterior gluteal line, sacrotuberous ligament and coccyx. The muscle traverses the hip joint and links on the femur and into the iliotibial tract. Always bear in mind that the gluteus maximus works in extending the hip and trunk as well as rotate the femur laterally. The muscle is active during various activities such as running and walking which often stabilizes the pelvis. Additionally, it is also active during resistance training exercises such as lunges and squats.

The individual can feel the gradual tightening of the gluteus maximus during exercise or right after exercise.

What are the indications of muscle cramping?

The muscle cramping can be abrupt or severe. The individual can feel the gradual tightening of the gluteus maximus during exercise or right after exercise. Take note that this type of slow cramping can be relieved right away by shifting position. The cramping can also be accompanied by a hard bump of muscle tissue in the gluteus maximus that can be felt or even apparent under the skin. If you want to know ways to provide relief to muscle cramping, click here.

Causes of gluteal cramping

The muscle cramping can be triggered by intense physical activity or training. Oftentimes, when the individual works out his/her gluteal maximus, they can become overly active and start to spasm compulsorily. Take note that the cramping can also be instigated by diminished supply of blood or nerve compression. The reduced supply of blood is usually caused by the constriction of the arteries to the involved muscle while compression of the nerve can occur in the spine but can be felt in the muscle. It is also possible that the gluteal cramping can be caused by depleted nutrients. Additionally, diminished amount of magnesium, potassium and calcium can also lead to cramping.

Treatment for gluteal cramping

There are several steps to take in order to avoid and treat gluteal cramping. The individual must stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water on a daily basis. The individual should increase the fluid intake if he/she is sweating a lot or exercising. Eating a balanced diet is a must and always includes a sports drink when engaging in heavy workouts in order to replace the depleted nutrients.

If the gluteal cramping occurs frequently despite the relief measures provided, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to determine the exact cause of the muscle cramping.



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