How to manage pitching arm pain

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It is sad to note that one of the occupation hazards of baseball pitchers is the arm pain that is triggered by repetitive throwing of a ball. In case the pitcher continues to throw constantly, arm soreness and pain could not be avoided. Nevertheless, there are certain considerations to bear in mind that can help treat the arm pain and reduce the discomfort experienced by the individual.

Proper stretching

The individual can easily prevent the arm pain. Always remember that it is vital for pitchers to stretch their muscles and get the blood flowing adequately into the arms before starting a game. The regular stretching routine typically includes arm circles and arm swings as well as stretching of the forearms, triceps and biceps. Take note that increasing the flow of blood to the arm will allow the individual not only to throw with minimal pain, but also throw effectively.

Arm pain
The application of ice on the affected arm as well as placing compression on the elbow and shoulder can help reduce the swelling.


The individual should take acetaminophen or ibuprofen in limited dosages in order to help reduce the arm pain experience after a game. Always bear in mind that pain medications should only be taken after throwing, not before any activity. In case the arm pain is diminished by the medication while pitching, he/she might have a difficult time noticing any injury or another physical indication that he/she should stop.

RICE method

The RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is considered as an effective mode of treating arm pain linked with baseball. Understandably, it is essential for the individual to get enough rest so that the affected arm can recover from the stress due to constant pitching. The individual should rest for one hour after every pitch done.

The application of ice on the affected arm as well as placing compression on the elbow and shoulder can help reduce the swelling. All you have to do is to apply ice for 15 minutes and another 15 minutes off is enough. If possible, you have to elevate the arm higher than the level of the heart to minimize the swelling.

The RICE method can also be used in other sports injuries that involve the soft tissues. You can learn more about the RICE method by registering for first aid training today.

What to do if pain persists?

The soreness of the affected arm is expected after pitching. This is not considered as an indication that there is something wrong. Nevertheless, the individual must know the difference between routine soreness and severe pain.

In case the individual feels numbness in the fingers and sharp pain in the shoulder or elbow during throwing motion as well as pain that was never felt before, he/she must stop throwing. In case the symptoms persist even after using the RICE method, consulting a doctor is a must in order to rule out other major injuries.


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