How to manage a broken wrist

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It is important to note that a broken wrist often develops after an accidental fall since it is the natural instinct to utilize the arm in order to brace the body against impact. With this type of injury, it entails treatment that is delivered by a healthcare professional who knows how to properly set the bone. There are also measures that can be done at home in order to prevent the injury from worsening while waiting for treatment as well as hasten the recovery period. You can take part in a first aid course in Victoria today so that you know the appropriate steps to take.


Depending on the circumstances, it might take some time before the individual is able to receive treatment for the injury. While waiting for the medical team to arrive, you have to keep the hand and wrist immobilized. You have to be familiar with the proper immobilization techniques. Initially, you should have the necessary materials in order to create a rudimentary splint.

Another option is to wrap the wrist using magazines, newspapers or bath towels to secure the ends of the splint in place. The padding will help reduce the pain. Once the splint is applied, you have to utilize a large piece of cloth to create a sling to hold the wrist against the chest.

Broken wrist
If a particular break is severe enough to drive the end of the fractured bone through the skin, it is important to take steps to control the bleeding.


If a particular break is severe enough to drive the end of the fractured bone through the skin, it is important to take steps to control the bleeding. If a first aid kit is available, you have to cover the wound using a large, sterile bandage. You can also utilize a clean washcloth or clean clothing as a makeshift bandage. Make sure that you will apply pressure to the injured area and keep the wrist elevated higher than the heart. Do not attempt to move the bone back into place because only the healthcare professionals must perform the procedure.

Application of an ice pack

You can apply an ice pack in order to minimize the swelling and reduce the pain on the injured area. When creating one, you have to fill a plastic bag with ice cubes and cover the bag using a towel. Always remember that the ice should not come in direct contact with the skin or it can cause additional damage. If ice is not available, a good substitute is a bag of frozen vegetables.


The moment the wrist is completely healed and the cast has been removed, rehabilitation of the muscles in the wrist and hand to help restore the atrophied muscles due to the long period of inactivity. The individual can use products that help strengthen the forearm. The individual can also use a provisional wrist support for some time after the cast is removed until the individual has regained his/her strength.

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