Lasting effects of typhoid fever

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It is important to note that typhoid fever is a life-threatening infection that is instigated by the Salmonella typhi bacteria. This condition is acquired through the consumption of food and water that has been tainted with the Salmonella typhi. Take note that this condition is quite common in developing countries such as in Asia, Africa and Latin America. If typhoid fever is not treated right away, it can lead to several lasting effects.

The bacteria are present via the fecal contamination in food or water by a human carrier and can spread to others in the surroundings. The typhoid fever is considered rare in industrialized countries but continues to affect many individuals in several developing countries all over the globe.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Take note that gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the lasting effects of typhoid fever that was not treated right away. The symptoms include coffee ground vomitus, abdominal pain, weakness, black tarry stool and dizziness when the individual stands up. Extensive bleeding can eventually lead to loss of iron which can lead to anemia. Substantial bleeding can cause shock and even death. Always remember that gastrointestinal bleeding is considered as a medical emergency that entails immediate medical care. You can learn more about bleeding by enrolling in a first aid course today.

Typhoid fever
Take note that gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the lasting effects of typhoid fever that was not treated right away. The symptoms include coffee ground vomitus, abdominal pain, weakness, black tarry stool and dizziness when the individual stands up.


If typhoid fever is not treated, it can lead to inflammation of the heart muscles that can later on lead to heart issues in the long run. Typhoid fever can also lead to an infection in the membranes as well as the surrounding fluid in the brain and spinal cord, resulting to a deadly nervous system disease known as meningitis. This can be diagnosed by the doctor using certain tests. Additionally, untreated typhoid can cause an infection involving the bladder and kidney which can lead to kidney failure.

Intestinal perforation

Intestinal perforation can develop during the third week if typhoid is not properly treated. The perforated intestines develop in the holes in the wall of the intestines. This will cause the contents of the intestines to leak into the abdominal cavity. The symptoms include abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting, blood infection and severe abdominal pain. Individuals who have intestinal perforation must seek immediate medical care. In such cases, the doctor might perform surgery in order to repair the perforated intestines.

Mental issues

Untreated typhoid fever can lead to permanent psychiatric issues such as hallucinations, delirium and paranoia over some time. It is important to note that delirium is a sudden state of confusion due to mental or physical illness. As for hallucinations, they are false and misleading perceptions of events. Paranoia is considered as a symptom of a psychotic disorder in which the individual becomes suspicious of others and feels as if the world is out to get them.



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