Mini stroke

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A mini stroke or transient ischemic attack is brought about by brief disruption in the supply of blood to a region of the brain.

This disruption in the supply of blood leads to inadequate flow of oxygen to the brain. This can cause abrupt symptoms the same as a stroke such as facial weakness or numbness and visual or speech disruptions.

The effects typically last for only a few minutes or hours and completely settle within 24 hours.

What are the signs?

The usual signs of mini stroke are based on the word “FAST”.

  • Face – the face might droop on one side where the individual could not smile, or the eye or mouth has drooped.
  • Arms – an individual with the condition could not raise both arms and keep them elevated due to weakness or numbness
  • Speech – the speech might be garbled or slurred or inability to talk at all despite being awake
  • Time – call for emergency assistance right away if any of these signs are present

Possible causes

Mini stroke
This can cause abrupt symptoms the same as a stroke such as facial weakness or numbness and visual or speech disruptions.

During a mini stroke, one of the blood vessels that supplies the brain with oxygenated blood is obstructed.

This obstruction is typically due to a blood clot that formed in other part of the body and moved to the blood vessel that supplies the brain, but it can also be brought about by segments of fatty substance or even air bubbles.

Some of the contributing risk factors include:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol level
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Large intake of excessive alcohol
  • Individuals over 60 years old
  • Individuals with African, Asian or Caribbean descent

Management of mini stroke

Even though the symptoms of mini stroke settle in a few minutes or hours, treatment is necessary to prevent another episode or a full stroke from occurring in the future.

The treatment is usually based on the age and medical history of the individual.

In most cases, the individual is given advice on lifestyle alterations to lower the risk for stroke aside from medications to deal with the underlying cause of mini stroke.

In some instances, surgical intervention is required to unclog the carotid arteries.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on mini stroke is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize the signs and how it is treated by taking a standard first aid course with Victoria First Aid.

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