Natural gas: What are the potential danger signs?

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Natural gas is utilized in several houses for cooking and heating. It is sad to note though that leakage of natural gas can occur and one might not be even aware of a leak.

Some individuals have a sensitive sense of smell to natural gas while others could not smell it at all.

Dizziness and headaches

Generally, the initial sign of leakage of natural gas might be a headache. If a sudden or unexplainable episode of headache arises, it should not be ignored.

Generally, the initial sign of leakage of natural gas might be a headache. If a sudden or unexplainable episode of headache arises, it should not be ignored.

If the headache does not settle after moving outside for a while or while at work, it is best to consider that there might be leakage of the gas. Most suffer from episodes of dizziness along with a headache. Other family members should be asked if they are suffering from episodes of dizziness and headaches as well.


Along with the dizziness and headaches, those who are exposed to a natural gas leak might suffer from nausea. These symptoms might be worsened if the house was sealed for winter or if the basement or garage is not properly ventilated.

Erratic breathing

The leakage of natural gas might result to difficulty or erratic breathing in some particularly the young and elderly. It is important to note that leakage of the gas might suck oxygen from the air and result to significant amounts of carbon dioxide which leads to difficulty breathing that lessens the amount of oxygen in the blood and lungs and result to loss of consciousness.


Some individuals who were exposed to a natural gas leak might have an overwhelming sense of lethargy or fatigue. In most instances, this is triggered by the reduced flow of oxygen in the body. The individual must rapidly recover if transferred to a different location.

Sound and smell

Some gas companies add odors or scents to the natural gas lines to help detect leakage. In most cases, the odor smells like rotten egg.

There might also be a hissing sound originating from the gas appliance or unit if a leak is likely.

Remember not to ignore such signs. Once an individual smell the gas or suspects a leakage of natural gas, do not cause a spark or use any electrical gadgets. Move out of the house and call the gas company from a mobile phone or from a neighbor’s house to prevent a possible explosion.

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