Oral chlamydia: What are the signs?

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Chlamydia is a prevalent form of sexually transmitted bacterial infection. It is transmitted via sexual contact with the anus, genitals or mouth of an infected individual or from a mother to her child during birth. An oral chlamydia infection does not often trigger any symptoms. Once they arise, they are generally mild.

What are the signs?

Oral chlamydia infection can affect all the cells that line the throat. The usual indication is a sore throat that lasts for several days.

In most cases, the discomfort can be constant or come and go and swallowing might intensify the pain.

The usual indication is a sore throat that lasts for several days.

A sore throat brought about by chlamydia might be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the neck and low-grade fever. Nevertheless, many individuals with an oral chlamydia infection do not have any evident symptoms which makes them unaware that they are infected.


If chlamydia is diagnosed, it is treated effectively with antibiotics. Nevertheless, the infection might lead to serious health issues if left untreated.

In case you suspect that an individual is infected, it is vital to undergo testing regardless of whether he/she has any symptoms.


If an individual has a sore throat, it is likely a viral infection. In most cases of sore throat among adults, they are triggered by a viral infection which later settles on its own in 5-7 days.

Strep throat is responsible for 5-15% of sore throat cases in adults and requires treatment with antibiotics to prevent any complications.

A doctor must be consulted if an individual has sore throat that lasts for several days, particularly if it is accompanied by swollen glands, fever, difficulty swallowing or other symptoms.

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