Plantar fasciitis: Taping methods

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Plantar fasciitis is a sore condition where the plantar fascia in the curve of the affected foot becomes inflamed, swollen or injured due to excessive use. The plantar fascia is described as a dense band that is connected beneath the heel and extends up to the base of the front of the foot.

The pain can also be felt when pressing on the interior heel and arch. In most cases, it is recommended to tape the base of the foot in order to manage the condition since using only anti-inflammatory medications could not help the foot to heal properly and within a reasonable span of time.

Width taping

Plantar fasciitis taping
It is recommended to tape the base of the foot in order to manage the condition since using only anti-inflammatory medications could not help the foot to heal properly and within a reasonable span of time.

Always bear in mind that proper taping techniques for this condition can help the involved foot get enough rest and the needed support to recuperate by inhibiting the plantar fascia from overstretching. Width taping is a taping technique for trivial cases of plantar fasciitis. All you need is an orthopedic or sports tape that is placed as strips through the width of the base of the foot. This taping method offers support for the tendon starting at the heel up to the ball of the foot.

Diagonal taping

This type of taping method for plantar fasciitis offers added support in the oblique and horizontal regions of the foot. You can use zinc oxide coated tape or any type of orthopedic tape that is place down the flank of the foot starting at the small toe all the way to the heel. The tape is wound around the heel and back to the small toe by moving in a diagonal manner across the sole of the foot.

The next step is to wrap a piece of tape in the same manner starting at the big toe up to the ankle and back. These pieces of tape are overlapped with second pieces for added support and followed by several pieces of tape that is applied in a width-wise manner starting at the heel up to 2-3 inches from the toe ends.

Arch support taping

A taping method for plantar fasciitis that provides an anchor strip of tape starting at the small toe up to the side of the foot, around the heel and up to the other side of the foot to the big toe.

Extra pieces of tape are utilized to create a cross-shaped pattern on the foot. This is followed by strips that cover across the width of the sole of the foot. It is recommended to use a night splint to stretch out the plantar fascia while the individual sleeps or rests.

A splint that is used over the foot can help pull the toes slightly up to the shin to stretch out the arch of the foot. In most cases, a temporary foot splint can be created using tape that extends from around the toes to stretch the foot up to the ankles.

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