Potential dangers of ticks

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Ticks are small-sized, brown parasites that thrive in fields and wooded areas. The parasites feed on both animal and human blood. Unfortunately, ticks can also be potential carriers of diseases and can transmit them once they deliver a bite. If an individual discovers has been bitten by a tick, there are measures to carry out. By enrolling in a course of first aid today, you can effectively remove the tick and ease the potential reactions that might occur.


Diseases transmitted by ticks

  • Tularemia
  • Lyme disease
  • Babesiosis
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Relapsing fever
  • Ehrlichioisis

Causes of tick infestations

An infestation of ticks occurs when a single tick is brought into the house. If there are brushy or forested areas close to the house or you have spent some time outdoors during warm weather, there is a possibility of contact with a tick.

The tick will attach on clothing and eventually make its way to the skin where it will bury its head. They can attach on any part of the body including the interior of the ears, under the arms, hair and even inside the belly button. In addition, ticks can also attach to pets.

The rashes that develop can make it easier for the doctor to come up with a diagnosis.

In case you or a pet brings a tick inside the house, an infestation can occur once it starts to reproduce. The ticks can lay their eggs in different areas in the house and they are difficult to see due to their small size. They usually lay eggs in crevices and cracks in the floorboards.

What are the indications of a tick infestation?

Tick infestation in the house can cause a large number of ticks to attach on your body or on pets. Take note that ticks need blood from animals or humans to survive. The ticks quickly move across the body but they prefer areas that are moist and warm such as the groin, armpits or the scalp. Once the tick finds a nice spot, it will bite and attach its head firmly to the skin but this is painless.

It is vital to check the body after an outdoor trek for any ticks. Examine any black or brown spots since ticks vary in size. Another indication that there are ticks in the house is if a family member develops a tick-borne illness.

Usual symptoms of a tick-borne illness

  • Headache
  • Fever and chills
  • Body aches or pain similar to flu
  • Rashes
  • Fatigue

Most of the symptoms of tick-borne illnesses are similar to other health issues. The rashes that develop can make it easier for the doctor to come up with a diagnosis. Nevertheless, sometimes the rashes vanish after the start of other symptoms.

When to consult a doctor

In case the individual develops the symptoms of a tick-borne illness after being bitten by a tick, a doctor must be consulted. One of the initial indications is a rash that is accompanied by fever. In most cases, antibiotics are usually given to manage tick-borne illnesses.

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