Skin rash: Ideal over-the-counter remedies

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A skin rash can be triggered by various factors such as an irritant, new drugs or an infection. In minor cases, the rash might subside on its own but if it becomes an annoyance, it might require some form of treatment. Luckily, there are several over-the-counter options that can provide relief.

Soothing measures

Some rashes can be unsightly while others might be unbearable and keep one awake on scratching. In case the skin rash burns or itches, there are products available over-the-counter to lessen the discomfort.

Some rashes can be unsightly while others might be unbearable and keep one awake on scratching.

There are various thick emollients and moisturizing creams that help retain moisture in the skin as well as reducing the itchiness that occurs in some rashes. An oatmeal bath can also help soothe the skin rash.


If the skin rash is a significant annoyance, more than superficial treatment is necessary. Generally, the inflammation can be reduced by applying a topical corticosteroid ointment or cream such as hydrocortisone.

Even though the stronger variants require a prescription, the low-potency topical variants are available over-the-counter.


This medication is widely utilized in alleviating itchiness but causes sleeping as a side effect. Diphenhydramine is an affordable medication and only causes a few side effects.

When should I worry about a skin rash?

In case the rash does not respond to simple over-the-counter measures in a few days, it is best to consult a doctor. Even though most rashes are harmless, some might be deadly.

The warning indications include a skin rash that spreads far from its initial site, fever, blisters and if the mouth, palms or soles are affected. If a skin rash arises right after starting a new medication, a doctor should be seen right away.

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