Stress-induced eczema

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Always bear in mind that stress is common for just about everyone who deals with aspects of daily life such as family, job and responsibilities. Various stress symptoms include emotional such as excessive worrying and impaired concentration. On the other hand, stress can manifest physically as well. Most individuals have reactions such as tense muscles, rapid breathing, sweating, fast heart rate and trembling.

Stress can also disrupt the individual internally which triggers the release of hormones and suppressing the immune response. Understandably, this can cause the outbreaks of stress-induced eczema.

Close look on eczema

It is important to note the eczema is often considered as a specific skin issue, but it is a name given to various rash-like skin occurrences. The prevalent type is an allergic reaction known as atopic dermatitis. The exact cause is not known but it frequently runs in families and can be aggravated by stress. Even though it appears unpleasant, it is not contagious.

Stress-induced eczema
It is important to note that this skin condition can manifest on any part of the body, but the breakouts are quite common on the arms, hands and behind the knees.

What are the symptoms?

Eczema often starts with itchy, reddened skin. It is important to note that this skin condition can manifest on any part of the body, but the breakouts are quite common on the arms, hands and behind the knees.

The rashes become inflamed and eventually break out if the individual scratches the area frequently. Understandably, this can lead to the development of infection since bacteria can invade the cracks. Eczema typically starts as early as infancy and can continue to adulthood. In some cases, the rash can make its initial appearance during the adult years.

How long eczema lasts?

Eczema often worsens during the winter for those who reside in areas with cold climates. The low humidity and frigid area can dry out the skin and make it susceptible to develop a rash. Since the holiday season such as Christmas and New Year occur in the winter season, it is a stressful period for many individuals.


Stress management measures must be combined with lifestyle changes and medical care. It is vital to protect the skin from exposure to irritants by using gloves and moisturize on a regular basis. Try to avoid getting sweaty and scratching the rash.

A warm oatmeal bath and application of a cool compress over the itchy patches can greatly help. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams can also help soothe the inflammation. The doctor can prescribe topical steroid creams for severe cases of eczema that does not respond to self-care measures.

Stress-fighting techniques such as yoga, meditation, regular workouts, breathing exercises and self-care activities such as massage can help.

Considerations to bear in mind

Remember that stress does not directly trigger the development of eczema. On the other hand, an individual is predisposed to end up with an outbreak or aggravate it. There might be a link between eczema and an immune system issue and the stress hormones are known to disrupt with the immune response of the body.

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