Symptoms of kiwi allergy

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Kiwi fruit is a native fruit in China. The fruit has been a common ingredient in fruit salads and usually served as a healthy snack for health conscious individuals. On the other hand, based on studies conducted, kiwi fruit can be a serious food allergen that can trigger an allergic reaction by eliciting a response in the immune system. Children are highly susceptible to develop an allergy to kiwi and the symptoms can be severe. This allergy can also occur among adults.

Mouth problems

Kiwi allergy can lead to oral allergy syndrome. It is important to note that oral allergy syndrome is linked with various symptoms that affect the mouth, lip and the tongue. Those who are allergic to kiwi fruit can experience tingling sensation in the lips, mouth and tongue as well as burning sensation and itchiness. Other symptoms that can manifest include during an allergic response include swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue and throat.

Kiwi allergy
Take note that kiwi fruit can trigger an allergic reaction that includes wheezing or whistling sound that is produced when breathing, shortness of breath and nasal congestion.

Skin reactions

Just like with other food allergies, an allergy to kiwi can cause symptoms that affect the skin. An individual who is allergic to kiwi can experience rash, itchiness, hives and eczema which is characterized by red-colored, itchy and swollen skin. The application of over-the-counter creams can help provide relief to these skin reactions.

Difficulty breathing

Individuals who are allergic to kiwi can also encounter difficulties with the respiratory system. Take note that kiwi fruit can trigger an allergic reaction that includes wheezing or whistling sound that is produced when breathing, shortness of breath and nasal congestion.

Stomach issues

Once an individual ingested kiwi, it can trigger an allergic response with symptoms that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Those who are allergic to the fruit can experience pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. There are first aid measures that you can perform in order to ease the symptoms.


The central nervous system can also be affected if an individual is allergic to kiwi fruit. Those who are allergic to the fruit can suffer from symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting. These symptoms can be linked with anaphylaxis which is a severe and dangerous allergic reaction. If the individual experiences these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor right away or bring the individual to the emergency department at the nearest hospital.

What happens during severe reactions?

An allergy to kiwi fruit can lead to a serious condition called as anaphylaxis. Always remember that anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can trigger dangerous symptoms. These include airway constriction, difficulty breathing, and abrupt drop in the blood pressure, rapid heart rate, dizziness and loss of consciousness. This condition requires immediate emergency care and by enrolling in an emergency course, you will learn the appropriate measures to carry out. If anaphylaxis is left untreated, it can progress to coma or even death.

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