Symptoms of olive oil allergy

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Olive oil allergy is considered as an uncommon type of allergy. Most of the food allergies are linked with peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, wheat, milk, soy, fish and shellfish. The symptoms of olive oil allergy include hypersensitivity to the proteins present in olive oil. Once an individual with olive oil allergy consumes or gets into direct contact with the skin, the immune system will attempt to attack it. This results to the production of antibodies and histamine that leads to the manifestation of the common food allergy symptoms. If an individual is suspected with an allergy to olive oil, it is best to consult a doctor.


This is an allergic skin rash that occurs when an individual gets in contact with olive oil. The mast cells in the skin layers will release histamine in order to ward off the proteins of olive oil. This results to the inflammation of the skin and itchiness. Take note that contact eczema forms in the affected area that has been exposed to the olive oil and can lead to a full-body outbreak. Eczema can be treated with over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams and prescribed corticosteroid moisturizers and lotions.

Olive oil allergy
Asthma-like symptoms are quite common among those who have olive oil allergy. These include chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing.


Hives are best described as welts that form due to the high levels of histamine close to the surface of the skin. Hives form in different shapes and sizes but have clear borders. If the hive is pressed, there is a white center that forms. This skin condition can migrate anywhere in the body without reason. The development of hives due to olive oil can develop if ingested or touched. The skin condition can last for a few hours and will subside within 24 hours. If the hives persists, it would require medical care.

Asthma-like symptoms

Asthma-like symptoms are quite common among those who have olive oil allergy. These include chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. The high levels of histamine in the lungs can lead to swelling and inflammation, thus restricting the ability of the individual to breathe normally. In most cases, prescribed inhalers are given to minimize the inflammation in the airways and open up the lungs to facilitate normal breathing.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

An individual with olive oil allergy will experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The individual can experience severe abdominal pain and cramping after ingestion. The treatment for this is to wait for the body to completely expel the substance.

What happens during anaphylaxis?

Always remember that any food allergy can lead to anaphylaxis which is rare allergic reaction that can be dangerous. If the individual experiences an abrupt drop in the blood pressure or elevated heart rate after consumption of food that contains olive oil, call for emergency assistance. In such cases, you have to be prepared to administer a shot of epinephrine. You can take a course on first aid training in Victoria today so that you know how to use an EpiPen correctly during emergencies.

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