Allergy to honeydew

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Honeydew is a described as a big, yellow melon that has moist, sweet-tasting flesh. It is usually served as a tasty dessert and added on various dishes. Even though it is quite uncommon to experience an allergic reaction to honeydew melon, there are cases in which an allergic response occurs when an individual consumes the fruits or gets in touch with it. Due to this, it is best to consult a doctor to determine if the individual has an allergy to honeydew or other types of melon. Those who have food allergies are often hypersensitive to more than a single variety of food. The individual must completely avoid the fruit if he/she is allergic to it.

It is important to note that an individual can be sensitive to almost any food. Even though children can sometimes outgrow allergies, adults could not eliminate a particular allergy from his/her life. If an individual has an allergy to honeydew melon, he/she must avoid salads and fruit juices that contain the fruit. An allergy to this fruit is unusual and in rare cases, a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis can occur. This type of reaction would require immediate emergency care.

What is oral allergy syndrome?

An individual who is sensitive to honeydew melon might be required to avoid cantaloupe, ragweed pollen, tomatoes and watermelon. This is vital since oral allergy syndrome occurs as cross-reactivity since the allergen-triggering proteins in honeydew melon and ragweed are strikingly similar. It is essential for the individual to undergo testing to help determine the allergen. Depending on the test performed, a skin prick test involves the introduction of the antigen and to check if a localized reaction such as rash will occur. A reaction simply indicates that the individual is allergic to the fruit.


Honeydew allergy
In some cases, the individual can experience diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and itchiness of the throat, mouth, face or eyes.

The symptoms of an allergy to honeydew melon typically manifest within minutes after eating the fruit or even several hours later. Some of the initial symptoms include rash, hives, wheezing and hoarse voice. In some cases, the individual can experience diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and itchiness of the throat, mouth, face or eyes. It is also common to experience coughing, shortness of breath and congestion.

How an allergic reaction occurs

Generally, the immune system in the body works by defending against harmful substances but if the individual has food allergy, the entire body perceives the food as a threat and responds at full force. The body will produce immunoglobulin E antibodies and histamine is released. Take note that histamine is responsible for triggering the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

In case of a severe reaction which is called anaphylaxis, the individual must be given a shot of epinephrine. If an EpiPen is available, it should be administer to help counteract the symptoms and the individual must be taken to the hospital. Being prepared on what to do during this type of reaction is important. All you have to do to take up an emergency course at Victoria today.

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