What causes night and morning nose bleeding?

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The nose is comprised of several small-sized blood vessels or arterioles that are easily damaged, thus resulting to nose bleeding. Individuals at any age can suffer from nose bleeding at any age but commonly occur among children between the ages of 2-10 while adults between the ages of 50-80. It is important to seek immediate medical care if the nose bleeding lasts longer than 20 minutes or could not be controlled. As a common condition in children and adults, learning the appropriate first aid care by enrolling in a first aid course can greatly help out.

Allergies, common cold and infections

In some cases, when an individual has allergies or common cold, the nasal membranes end up swollen and this can trigger nose bleeding. When an individual has a cold, it causes the congestion of the nasal passages. The use of nasal decongestants to relieve this condition can irritate and dry up the nasal passages. Understandably, this can trigger nose bleeding, particularly among those who do not follow the instructions on the dosage of the medications. Even excessive blowing of the nose can cause the thin tissue in the nose to tear and result to bleeding. Additionally, allergies and infections can lead to itchiness and this causes the urge to pick the nose especially among young children, thus resulting to nose bleeding.

Nose bleeding
In some cases, when an individual has allergies or common cold, the nasal membranes end up swollen and this can trigger nose bleeding.

Effects of the weather

The drying out of the nasal membranes can eventually lead to nose bleeding. If the nasal passages are dry, it causes nose bleeding. It is important to note that this type of nose bleed typically occur among individuals who live in dry climates or during the winter season. As a result, nose bleeding can occur in the morning after waking up or at night time after the individual has been exposed to the cold or dry weather.

Based on studies, the drying effects of both cold and heat can cause the nasal membranes to crack up and eventually bleed. Nevertheless, this type of nose bleed can be prevented by applying a light coating of petroleum jelly or use an antibiotic ointment on the nasal membrane. This will help keep the nasal membranes moist and reduce the development of cracks and bleeding.

Deviated septum

A deviated septum occurs once the division between the two nasal chambers ends up bent. If the individual has a deviated septum, he/she is at risk for nose bleeding. In reality, one of the symptoms of a deviated septum is nose bleed. The nose bleeding can occur once the surface of the nasal septum dries up. As a result, foreign objects will damage the nasal canal and result to nose bleeding.

These are some of the common causes of nose bleeding. On the other hand, if the bleeding could not be controlled or persists, it is best to consult a doctor.

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