What are the post-heart attack symptoms?

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Once an individual suffers a heart attack, there is the potential to experience post-heart attack symptoms linked with the damage sustained by the heart. In some individuals, it manifests in the form of a condition known as Dressler’s Syndrome which is a complication that often occurs after a heart attack. In others, it manifests as pericarditis which is the inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the heart. Take note that there is also the potential for the individual to develop pericardial effusion in which fluid accumulates within the membrane surrounding the heart. Regardless of the complication that develops after a heart attack, they can occur any time. If you want to learn more regarding the management of a heart attack, click here.


Chest pain is a common symptom after a heart attack that can be quite disturbing for many individuals. The pain is quite similar to a heart attack since it can be a sharp, shooting pain within the chest. It can also be a dull pain inside the chest or constricting tightness or even a muted ache inside the chest. The pain can also manifest within the left shoulder. Nevertheless, this pain does not necessarily have to be the same with the pain experienced during an actual heart attack and it can vary from one individual to another.

Shortness of breath

If an individual suffered a heart attack, he/she can experience shortness of breath. While the individual recovers, it is possible to suffer shortness of breath again. In most cases, it is an abrupt and unexpected change in respiration or difficulty in breathing and can be accompanied by chest pain. Take note that the shortness of breath will worsen if the individual lies down or reclines. This symptom can also manifest as discomfort or pain when breathing, especially during inhalation.

Post-heart attack symptoms
If an individual suffered a heart attack, he/she can experience shortness of breath. While the individual recovers, it is possible to suffer shortness of breath again.


Once an individual suffered a heart attack, one complication that can occur within the heart can cause arrhythmia. This is the abnormal or irregular beating inside the heart which can oftentimes feel like pounding or fluttering of the heart muscles. Take note that this indicator can be due to the damage sustained on the structure and function of the heart. If the individual experiences this symptom after a heart attack, it is important to consult a doctor since it can be serious in some cases.


In most cases, the individual can suffer from fatigue or exhaustion after a heart attack. This is normal and can last for a few weeks or months. It depends on the severity of the heart attack and overall health of the individual. In some cases, the fatigue can be severe that it triggers overall weakness.


In some cases, a low-grade fever can occur. The fever is usually around 101 degrees Fahrenheit and can be caused by an infection or inflammation that developed into the membranes surrounding the heart or due to the accumulation of fluid within the membrane.


There is also the potential for some swelling or inflammation within other parts of the body. In some individuals, they can experience swelling within the abdominal region of the body right after a heart attack. Others can suffer from swelling in the legs.

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