Tea allergy symptoms

Tea allergy symptoms

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It is surprising to note that some individuals are allergic to tea. The two commonly used teas that can trigger an allergic reaction are chamomile tea and linden tea. Always bear in mind that tea allergy is an erroneous response of the immune system of the body since it perceives the substances as a threat. In some cases, an individual who is highly sensitive to tea can go into anaphylactic shock which involves the swelling of the throat. Even though this is considered rare, it is important to bring the individual to the hospital right away so that first aid care and immediate treatment can be provided. Most of the symptoms are not life-threatening and typically clear up within a couple days.

Symptoms of tea allergy

If you suspect that an individual is experiencing an allergic reaction, these are the following symptoms that are likely to manifest.


If an individual has tea allergy, he/she can experience swelling of the body which involves the lip and the tongue. In some cases, there is also facial swelling. You have to consult a doctor right away if the individual experiences swallowing or breathing difficulty or if the throat swells up.

Watery eyes

During an allergic reaction to tea allergy, you should check the eyes of the individual. Always remember that tea allergy can make the eyes watery and even become sore or red in color. Additionally, it can also become itchy and can last for a few minutes up to a few days.

Sneezing and runny nose

An individual who is allergic to tea will experience runny nose that can last for several days. The individual will likely sneeze a lot but this will only last for a couple of hours.

Skin reactions

The skin will become very itchy. In most cases, hives can develop which are red-colored, elevated bumps that develop all over the skin. You have to take note that both of these conditions can last for only a couple of days. Eczema which is a dry skin condition might also flare up.


Tea allergy
During an allergic reaction, the individual will also experience a headache. The pain is usually in the front or back part of the head.

During an allergic reaction, the individual will also experience a headache. The pain is usually in the front or back part of the head. If the allergy triggers the sinuses to act up, the individual can get suffer from a sinus headache. The headache usually lasts for a few hours or a few days.

Other symptoms to watch out for

Aside from the common symptoms stated, there are also other symptoms to watch out for. The symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and nausea. In some cases, the individual will feel lightheaded or have difficulty sleeping. Additionally, the individual will also find it difficult to speak due to the hoarseness.

Even though tea allergy is not common, it is still important to be familiar with the symptoms that can manifest during an allergic reaction.





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