Citrus allergy

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It is a known fact that certain citrus fruits can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals but most are oblivious of the indications. The symptoms of a citrus allergy can be easily recognized since they are limited to only some members of the citrus family.  Take note that allergies can often be easily diagnosed and the fruit responsible for triggering the future reactions can be avoided.

Even though most of the symptoms of citrus allergy can be connected to issues that occur in the digestive tract such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea, the non-digestive symptoms such as wheezing, itchiness, hives and a drop in the blood pressure can also occur. The symptoms of citrus allergy are strikingly similar to other food allergies, thus it is often required that the individual will keep a food diary to help determine the source of the allergy.

Symptoms of citrus allergy

Just like with other types of food allergies, the severity of the symptoms can range from mild to severe. When it comes to the mild reactions such as stomach upset, it would not require medical attention, but the severe reactions would often require immediate emergency care. The severe reactions to certain citrus fruits usually lead to an anaphylactic shock which is a life-threatening state caused by the constricted airways. If an individual is suffering anaphylactic shock, he/she can experience difficulty breathing as well as resulting to death if not treated right away.

Citrus allergy
When it comes to the mild reactions such as stomach upset, it would not require medical attention.

Types of citrus allergy symptoms

The symptoms of citrus allergy can manifest once the individual has ingested one or more of the following fruits – grapefruit, clementine, lemon, kumquat, minneola, mandarin, prunello, orange, tangelo, tangerine, UGLI fruit and Satsuma. Take note that there is a misconception that it is the citric acid in these fruits that triggers allergies, but it is actually the proteins and substances specific to citrus fruit, not the acid.

Important considerations to bear in mind

The most common of the citrus fruits which is orange is the one responsible for causing citrus fruit allergies. For some individuals, simply touching the citrus peel can easily trigger the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

How to prevent citrus allergy

In case the individual has citrus allergy, it is important to consult a doctor. With proper monitoring of the foods eaten as well as medical tests, it will help provide a clear diagnosis. The individual must also record the details of a particular reaction such as the type of reaction, how long the symptoms occurred and the amount of allergy-causing food eaten. The treatment for the symptoms of citrus allergy usually involves avoiding citrus fruits but there are also medications that are provided to treat the symptoms. Individuals who have citrus allergy will discover that they are only allergic to certain citrus fruits, while others are allergic to all the citrus fruits.


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