Techniques on administering subcutaneous insulin injections

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Insulin is a hormone that is generated in the pancreas. This hormone is responsible for controlling the level of glucose or blood sugar in the body. In some individuals, the pancreas could not produce enough insulin to properly maintain a healthy and safe level of glucose which is a condition called as type-1 diabetes. If an individual is diagnosed with this type of diabetes, insulin shots are required.

Insulin can be administered in the subcutaneous layer of the skin amidst the skin and muscles. There are different techniques for administering a shot depending on the age of the individual and chosen injection site. If a family member is diagnosed with type-1 diabetes, it is vital that family members also know how to administer the insulin shots.


The administration of subcutaneous insulin injections is easy to learn. The first step is to choose the injection site. Cleanse the area using an alcohol swab and make sure that the needle is clear of air bubbles.

Insert the needle into the pinched skin at a 90-degree angle. Push the plunger of the syringe to administer the insulin. Once given, you can rub the injection site lightly to disperse the medication.

For smaller adults and children, the type of needle used or the technique in administration might be altered to ensure that the insulin is given properly. In such cases, you have to insert the needle into the pinched skin at a 45-degree angle to avoid injecting into the muscle tissue.

Insulin injections
The abdomen is the suitable site for many since it allows rapid absorption of insulin into the skin.

Usual sites

There are various locations on the body that are suitable for administration of the insulin injection. The sites that are typically chosen include the thighs, upper arms, buttocks or abdomen. The area chosen usually depends on the preference of the individual or the one giving the shot.

Always bear in mind that the injection sites must be rotated every time the insulin is given. This helps prevent the development of lumps or masses in the tissues. The abdomen is the suitable site for many since it allows rapid absorption of insulin into the skin.

Additional information

It is important to note that there are other considerations to bear in mind when administering insulin. Choose a site that is away from the belly button or navel as well as skin lesions or scar tissue. Take note that the skin in these areas might be rough and damaged, thus preventing proper absorption. It is also vital for the individual to work with a healthcare provider to choose the right syringe and needle size to ensure the most comfortable administration of insulin.

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