Tick bites: Tick removal

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Tick bites can occur when spending time outdoors. Most cases of tick bites are considered harmless and diseases are rarely spread. In case the tick is still fixed to the skin, it should be removed.

Remember that techniques in which the tick is covered with nail polish, petroleum jelly or alcohol are not effective at all. In addition, touching the tick with a cold or hot object will not work as well.

Tick removal techniques

Soapy cotton ball

Tick bites
Cleanse the wound and your hands using water and soap after removal of the tick to prevent acquiring any diseases.
  • The first step is to apply liquid soap to a cotton ball until it is soaked
  • Cover the tick with the cotton ball that has been soaked
  • Let it stay on the tick for around 30 seconds
  • The tick will end up stuck on the cotton ball once you lift it away


  • Utilize tweezers and hold the tick close to the skin, usually on its head.
  • Tug the tick straight up without twisting or crushing it.
  • Make sure to maintain firm pressure until the tick releases its grip.
  • In case tweezers are not available, you can utilize your fingers, ring of thread around the jaws or even a needle in between the jaws for grip.

What to do if the head of the tick is embedded?

In case the head of the tick breaks off in the skin, it should be removed.

  • First, you should clean the skin using rubbing alcohol.
  • With a sterile needle, use it to unearth the head of the tick and raise it out.
  • In case a small portion of the head is left behind, the skin will sooner or later shed it.
  • If most of the head if left inside the skin, get in touch with the doctor.

Are antibiotics needed?

  • Cleanse the wound and your hands using water and soap after removal of the tick to prevent acquiring any diseases.
  • Dab on an antibiotic ointment on the bite site once.

When to consult a doctor?

  • If you could not remove the tick or its head
  • Rashes or fever develops in the next 2 weeks
  • The bite site starts to appear infected
  • The condition of the child worsens

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