Treatment for allergic cough

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The most prevalent respiratory symptom is coughing which forces many individuals to seek medical care. An allergic cough is usually triggered by allergic rhinitis or hay fever which results to excess production of mucus in the sinus cavity. It is important to note that allergic cough can be treated with first aid care and treatment involving medications. It is best to consult a doctor so that the appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible.

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic condition that leads to eye and nasal irritation. The immune system produces immunoglobulin E antibodies in the nasal passages that cause the histamine levels to increase. As a result, it causes inflammation, nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Additionally, allergic rhinitis can also occur during spring season or continuously depending on the allergen.

What are the causes of allergic cough?

It is important that you are familiar with conditions that causes allergic cough. Throat irritation and sinus inflammation are the main causes of allergic cough. An allergic cough is caused by the irritation in the throat due to the accumulation of mucus. The release of antibodies and histamine can also affect the throat, making it scratchy and itchy.

What are the possible effects?

Allergic cough
The throat irritation and sinus inflammation due to allergies can lead to constant allergic cough.

The throat irritation and sinus inflammation due to allergies can lead to constant allergic cough. If post-nasal drip develops, it can lead to a swollen and irritated throat. Post-nasal drip is basically a condition in which excess mucus constantly drains into the rear part of the throat. This does not cause infection but causes inflammation. Take note that the inflammation combined with the accumulating mucus in the throat will trigger the cough reflex to react.

Home treatment for allergic cough

It is important to note that the most effective treatment for allergic cough is to determine and avoid the allergens. An allergen is any substance that triggers an allergic reaction. The usual allergens that triggers allergic cough include animal dander, pollen, dust mites and mold.

You can utilize a nasal wash in order to rinse and moisten the sinus cavity. This can be purchased in any pharmacy or drug store. This must be used a few times in a day in order to dislodge any allergens in the sinus cavity. It is also recommended to drink more fluids in order to thin out the mucus secretions so that coughing will be productive.

Medical treatment for allergic cough

In most cases, antihistamines are used in treating allergic rhinitis. Take note that antihistamines work by preventing the body from generating histamine. The histamine is the chemical that triggers the usual symptoms of an allergic reaction such as post-nasal drip, nasal congestion and scratchy throat. Additionally, cough suppressants are also used along with antihistamines to limit the cough reflex. Just remember that it is important to consult a doctor first before any medication will be used.

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