What are the appropriate remedies for fractured foot bones?

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An individual might have a fractured foot bone yet unaware of it. The swelling and pain that is accompanied by bruising are the indicative signs to watch out for if the injury is suspected. There are several remedies to consider that can restore the functionality of the foot to a pain-free level.

It is important to reduce the pain, inflammation and bleeding when managing a fractured foot bone. Just make sure that a doctor will be consulted first to ensure that the right treatment specific to the situation and overall state of the health can be given. If you want to learn more about fractures, click here.

Proper rest and immobilization

The injured foot should be allowed to rest which is the main priority of the treatment. The affected foot must be given a break from activities that caused the fracture for at least 3 up to 4 weeks.

When resting, it involves the immobilization of the foot and do not place any weight on the area. Always bear in mind that you have to reduce the loading forces since it plays a role in the treatment for a fractured foot bone. If weight on the foot is avoided, it will allow the damaged bones to heal. Abrupt movements should also be avoided since these will only lengthen the recovery period as well as increase the risk for bleeding.

Fractured foot bone
The injured foot should be allowed to rest which is the main priority of the treatment. The affected foot must be given a break from activities that caused the fracture for at least 3 up to 4 weeks.

Application of ice

You have to apply an ice pack as soon as a fractured foot bone is suspected. The application of ice on the affected area will help minimize the swelling. It is best to use crushed ice since it conforms better to the affected area than an ice pack. Make sure that you will wrap the crushed ice or ice pack in a clean towel or cloth before applied on the skin to prevent further injury. Do not apply more than 20 minutes during every session.


Always bear in mind that elevation plays a vital role as a home remedy for a fractured foot bone. The elevation involves the lifting of the affected leg so that the foot is higher than the level of the heart. Elevating the affected limbs has two objectives – promotes the return of blood to the heart and reduce the bleeding.

You can start to elevate the leg while the individual is lying in a bed or on a sofa by propping the foot on cushions or pillows. Make sure that you will place enough pillows under the foot and calf area to raise the leg to the suitable height.

Specialized shoes

Once the individual can place weight on the fractured foot, he/she should use appropriate footwear in order to treat the foot successfully. The individual should start wearing shoes with a wide sole. Avoid wearing shoes that squeeze the toes. Take note that using a wide shoe for 2-4 weeks can provide adequate treatment for a fractured foot bone.

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