What are the potential side effects of tramadol?

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Tramadol is used as a regular treatment for chronic pain. This medication belongs to the category of medications known as opiate agonists and changes the sensation of the body to pain. In most cases, 50-100 mg of tramadol is taken every 4-6 hours. Remember that it is not recommended to take more than 400 mg of tramadol in a day since this can lead to serious side effects. If you want to know the appropriate dosage and frequency, it is best to consult a doctor for proper instructions.

General side effects of tramadol

The usual side effects of tramadol include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, headache and even drowsiness. Other usual side effects include itchiness and sweating as well as dry mouth. Take note that tramadol is capable of affecting the central nervous system and trigger anxiety, tremors, muscle spasms, emotional changes and hallucinations.

The usual side effects of tramadol include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, headache and even drowsiness.

Detrimental side effects

It is important to note that tramadol can cause difficulty breathing, hives, rashes and sores in the mouth, eyes, throat and nose. The medication can also cause runny nose, convulsions, fever, nasal congestion and cough.

In some circumstances, an individual can end up with peripheral edema and swelling of the tongue, face, lips and throat. The individual must consult a doctor once these side effects manifest. In such cases, the doctor will discontinue the medication and prescribe a safer medication. By enrolling in a class on first aid today, you can learn the appropriate measures to carry out to help ease the symptoms.

Other possible side effects

Tramadol can trigger vasodilation or the relaxation of the blood vessels. If excessive vasodilation occurs, it can lead to hypotension and even shock which is a condition where there is inadequate flow of blood to the organs. In some circumstances, tramadol can cause urinary retention, flatulence, menstrual irregularities and frequent urination. Additionally, other less common side effects that can occur include cataracts, tinnitus, speech and hearing problems as well as the formation of skin vesicles.

Considerations to bear in mind

An individual should not use tramadol if he/she has a history of drug dependence and abuse. Remember that tramadol is a narcotic-like drug that can become psychologically and physically addicting. The individual might develop a craving for tramadol and even become tolerant to its effect. Always follow the instructions given by the doctor once tramadol is prescribed for pain.

Tramadol must not be taken with certain medications such as opioids, alcohol, hypnotics, narcotics, central-acting analgesics and psychotropic drugs. The individual must consult a doctor regarding his/her medications to determine if they interact with tramadol. Using these medications together with tramadol can result to respiratory depression and even seizures. In some cases, it can lead to serotonin-syndrome which is characterized by coma, agitation, hallucination as well as tachycardia, lack of coordination, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

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