What are the viral infections affecting the ear?

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It is important to note that ear infections typically occur more frequently among children but can also occur among adults. Most cases of ear infections are triggered by viral infections that usually start in the Eustachian tube which connects the nasal passages to the interior ear. Throat, respiratory and sinus infections are likely to spread to the inner ear and cause or simply worsen an ear infection. The viral infections of the ear can be treated in a different way than the bacterial infections thus proper diagnosis by a doctor is vital. There are various types of viral ear infections that would require medical care for the treatment as well as relief from pain. http://youtu.be/xxLKXB08ACI

Chronic cases of otitis media

Ear infection
Most cases of ear infections are triggered by viral infections that usually start in the Eustachian tube which connects the nasal passages to the interior ear.

Chronic cases of otitis media are acute or sore episodes of middle ear infections. Take note that these infections can likely last for some time and can come and go. A chronic otitis media is considered the most common condition among infants and small children and can be triggered by common cold or viral respiratory infection. Even though an ear infection is not communicable, the cold or infections that cause them can easily spread among children. Infants and children can show the indications of otitis media such as pulling at the ear, fever, irritability and crying. You can register for first aid training so that you will learn how to prevent the spread of common cold and infections.


The labyrinth is the structure in the inner ear that is comprised by narrow fluid-filled channels. Labyrinthitis is a viral infection affecting this area that can be triggered by various viruses which causes systemic illness or affect the entire body. These include infectious mononucleosis and measles. In some cases, other body viral indications could not be experienced by the individual prior to the development of an ear infection. Labyrinthitis is tenderness in the interior ear and typically affects only a single ear. The indications can be severe and comprised of momentary hearing loss, ringing in the ears, tinnitus, discomfort and vertigo or dizziness.

Vestibular neuritis

Vestibular neuritis is a viral infection that causes the inflammation of the inner ear and can affect the vestibule-cochlear nerve or the eighth cranial nerve. The nerve is responsible for connecting the semicircular canals of the interior ear to the brain and vital in maintaining balance and positioning sense. A vestibular infection can occur after or during common viral illnesses such as a sore throat, glandular fever or flu. The symptoms of vestibular neuritis can range from mild to severe and usually affects the balance and physical stability. The symptoms include unsteadiness, mild dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, nausea, violent spinning sensations, vomiting, and loss of concentration and vision problems. As for severe circumstances, the condition can affect the capability of the individual to sit up, walk or stand.

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