What is dengue?

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Dengue or “breakbone fever” is caused by the flavivirus. If an individual is suspected with the condition, certain symptoms might be present.

The fever typically starts 4-7 days after being bit by an infected female mosquito. The mosquitoes might bite indoors, feed during the day and reproduce in stagnant water. It is vital to apply an insect repellant with DEET, cover up exposed body parts and avoid areas with reported cases of dengue.

What are the signs?

  • Abrupt high fever
  • Headache
  • Intense eye pain
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
    The fever typically starts 4-7 days after being bit by an infected female mosquito.
  • Poor appetite
  • Possible enlargement of the lymph nodes or sore throat
  • Lower heart rate
  • Low level of platelet and white blood cells

After 2-5 days, the following might be present:

  • Possible rashes that are flattened that can itch and peel
  • Fever is accompanied by the rashes

Take note that these symptoms typically last between 3-7 days.

Management of dengue fever

In most cases of dengue fever, the individual should rest, keep the body hydrated and take the appropriate dose of acetaminophen for fever. Aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen should not be given since they increase the bleeding.

Hospitalization is required for severe cases of dengue accompanied by bleeding or other signs of serious illness.

There is no precise drug or treatment for dengue aside from supportive care. With access to good healthcare services, fatality for the disease is relatively low.

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