What is vitreous hemorrhage

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Vitreous hemorrhage occurs if blood leaks into the vitreous. The vitreous is the transparent gel in the middle of the eyeball. Generally, the vitreous is clear and light moves through it into the retina.

What is the cause?

Any ailment that results to eye bleeding will allow blood to leak into the vitreous. The usual causes include:

  • Diabetic retinopathy which involves the formation of new, abnormal vessels in the back of the eyes among those who are diagnosed with diabetes. These blood vessels are not sturdy enough and might bleed.
  • Injuries from sports, vehicular accidents, falls or assault
  • Brain bleeding
  • Posterior vitreous detachment where a sac of fluid forms in the rear part of the eye. The gel might tug on the retina and result to a tear and bleeding.
  • Blood vessels in the eyes that become blocked, narrow or weak
    vitreous hemorrhage
    The usual indications of vitreous hemorrhage include floaters and blurred vision.
  • Sickle cell disease can cause the formation of blood clots and abnormal blood vessels in the back part of the eyes.

What are the signs?

The usual indications of vitreous hemorrhage include floaters and blurred vision. Other signs that might be present include:

  • Reddish tint to vision
  • Bright flashes of light in the corners of vision due to the tugging of the vitreous gel on the retina.

The symptoms are typically painless and might arise abruptly.

Management of vitreous hemorrhage

The treatment for vitreous hemorrhage is typically based on the root cause. Once the cause of the bleeding has been determined, it is managed in various ways such as surgery to control the bleeding or remove the blood as well as cryotherapy or laser treatment.

Remember that vitreous hemorrhage can take up to months to settle even after the bleeding has settled. The individual might still have symptoms until the blood has fully vanished.

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