What to do for shoulder pain after a workout?

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The shoulder is comprised of the collarbone, upper arm bone and the shoulder blade. Sports or upper body workouts that require the use of the arms can put the shoulders at risk for injuries. Once shoulder pain occurs after a workout, the individual should stop an exercise and consult a doctor for proper assessment. The pain can indicate that there is something wrong and only a doctor can determine the exact cause.

Tears on the shoulder joint

Repetitive shoulder movement or acute trauma can result to a tear in the shoulder joint. The trauma can include falling on the arm once it is outstretched, an abrupt pull, a direct blow to the shoulder and violently reaching overhead. Sports that involves constant throwing and wrestling can put an individual at high risk.

The symptoms can include pain, loss of strength as well as diminished range of motion, shoulder instability, locking and popping sensation, grinding or catching in the affected shoulder. The treatment usually includes an anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy and even surgery.

Rotator cuff tendinitis

Shoulder pain
Repetitive shoulder movement or acute trauma can result to a tear in the shoulder joint.

This condition is characterized by inflamed tendons. Throwing a ball repeatedly is the usual cause but lifting weights above the head, pitching in baseball or softball, regular swimming or playing tennis can also cause the condition.

The symptoms include pain when moving the affected shoulder, difficulty using the affected shoulder and weakness. The treatment usually involves adequate rest, application of ice, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and physical therapy. In case the pain is severe, the doctor might prescribe steroid injections. In severe cases, surgery might be required if the rotator cuff is fully torn.

Shoulder impingement

This is considered as the most common reason why adults experience shoulder pain. In most cases, this condition is characterized by pressure on the rotator cuff in the area of the shoulder blade when lifting the arm.

Athletes are more likely to experience this particularly those who play sports such as tennis, swimming or baseball since these involves frequent lifting of the arms above the head. The symptoms include radiating pain, stiffness and localized tenderness and swelling. Once this condition worsens, the individual will lose range of motion and strength.

In advanced cases, severe tenderness, pain, limited movement and frozen shoulder can also occur. The treatment usually starts by resting the affected shoulder, local cortisone, stretching exercises and anesthetic injections and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Once these treatment options fail, surgery might be required.

Dislocated shoulder

This is a traumatic injury that is quite common in both children and adults. The high mobility of the shoulder makes it prone to dislocation. This dislocation simply causes the upper arm bone to be forcefully thrusted out of the shoulder joint. Any blow to the shoulder or violent pull can cause this.

The symptoms include a deformed appearance, popping sensation, intense pain, swelling and bruising. In most cases, the treatment involves manipulation to position the shoulder back in place. Once this is done, the treatment involves immobilization, medications, physical therapy and even surgery in some cases.

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