Why chest congestion occurs after eating?

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Most cases of chest congestion after a meal is due to the inflammation that results to swollen airways or lungs. If an individual experiences chest congestion after eating, a doctor should be seen.


The usual causes of chest congestion after eating include food allergy, pollen-food allergy syndrome and chronic tonsillitis. If the congestion after eating is due to a food allergy, it might be an indication of a severe allergic reaction that requires assessment by a doctor.

Possible causes of chest congestion after eating

Food allergy

Chronic tonsillitis involves infection of the throat that can last for a prolonged span of time.

Food allergy is prevalent among children but can also affect adults. The usual foods that can trigger a reaction include soy, fish, eggs, milk, nuts, wheat and peanuts.

A food allergy involves malfunction of the immune system. If an individual consumes a food that he/she is allergic to, the immune system wrongly identifies the proteins as a threat and starts to protect the body.

The antibodies are produced to fight off the proteins. The release of antibodies causes the mast cells to produce large amounts of histamine which is a chemical that triggers the symptoms.

Pollen-food allergy syndrome

Pollen-food allergy syndrome is associated to hay fever. It is important to note that hay fever is a chronic allergy condition that affects an individual year-round or seasonally.

The condition triggers severe sinus inflammation, scratchy throat and eye irritation if exposed to dust, pollen or mold spores. If diagnosed with hay fever, consuming certain vegetables and fruits can instigate the same reaction in the body if pollen is inhaled. This causes the lungs to become swollen and chest congestion arises.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis involves infection of the throat that can last for a prolonged span of time. The tonsils in the rear part of the throat becomes inflamed and overwhelmed with the virus or bacteria.

The infection affects the whole throat, triggering swelling, sensitivity and irritation. When eating, the food rubs against the throat, worsening the irritation that can lead to further chest congestion. If an individual is suspected with tonsillitis, a doctor should be consulted right away.

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