If an individual experiences thigh pain after kicking a ball, he/she might be suffering from a groin or quadriceps strain. A quadriceps strain can be felt in the front part of the thigh while a groin strain is felt in the inner thigh.
Observing proper warm-up and cooling down exercises can prevent thigh injuries associated to soccer and other sports. If the thigh pain persists long after kicking activities and after allowing the leg to rest, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor to determine if the injury or condition requires treatment.
Groin strain
The adductor longus are found in interior thigh that are responsible for pulling the leg upwards which is the action required when kicking a ball. If the adductor muscles are strained while kicking a ball, there is sharp pain on the interior thigh which indicates a possible tear in the muscles where they connect to the tendons.
The thigh pain that occurs gradually might be an indication of chronic adductor strain. Take note that kicking a ball as well as running might only aggravate a long-standing injury.
Quadriceps strain
The quadriceps is comprised of 4 muscles in the front part of the thigh and is the largest and strongest muscles in the body, but still vulnerable to sports injuries. Kicking a ball with a short stride or over-striding while playing sports can strain or tear the quadriceps. Injuries to the quadriceps complicated by muscle strains in the hips or back take a longer time to heal.
The initial treatment for the thigh pain from strains involves application of ice and rest. In case the thigh pain subsides with conservative treatment, the individual can start walking or jogging lightly to test how the muscles respond. If the muscle strains are serious tears and the pain persists even while at rest, surgery might be required to repair the torn muscles or tendons.
Before playing sports that requires kicking a ball, it is vital to stretch the leg muscles and warm up with light jogging. It is important to stretch after play to prevent the muscles from tightening up.
Always pay close attention to how the muscles feel during and after kicking as well as running. If the individual feels sore frequently, he/she might be developing a chronic case of muscle strain in the thighs that must be assessed using an MRI. Any injury should be checked as soon as possible to prevent further damage and discomfort.