A torn wrist ligament is often due to falls onto an extended hand that forces the wrist into an unnatural position. The ligaments are durable bands of tissue that are abundant in the wrist joint. In most cases, the individual describes a pop once the ligament tears. Remember that the degree of injury must be assessed right away by a doctor.
Depending on the exact for the injury, persistent symptoms or those that do not seem to subside might require further assessment by a doctor.
First aid for a torn wrist ligament
The objective right after a wrist injury is to regulate the amount of swelling that occurs as well as prevents further injury. It is recommended to apply an ice pack on the area for 20 minutes every hour for the initial 48 hours after the injury. Do not forget to wrap the ice pack used with a clean towel or cloth before applied on the skin to prevent further injury.
You can wrap the affected wrist lightly using an elastic bandage for compression and support to the area. Make sure that the wrist is elevated above the level of the heart to reduce the amount of swelling. It is vital to consult a doctor to determine the degree of injury and rule out a fracture.
Using a splint
Generally, a torn wrist ligament requires immobilization for a certain period of time to allow the damaged structures to heal in a protected manner and reduce the likelihood of the wrist to become unstable.
The doctor will determine the length of time the wrist requires immobilization. Oftentimes, the individual can remove the splint each day while performing specific exercises.
Is surgery required?
Tears on several wrist ligaments often results to instability in the wrist and requires surgery to correct. There are various surgical techniques that can be utilized in managing a torn wrist ligament depending on the location of the tear and how quickly it was analyzed.
The surgical procedures are followed by an immobilization period that usually spans 2-8 weeks. Physical therapy is vital to achieve a successful outcome after any surgery involving the wrist and prescribed for several weeks by the surgeon.