Can wheat allergy cause scalp issues?

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When it comes to wheat allergy symptoms, the scalp dose not usually come into mind. On the other hand, since wheat allergy instigates a reaction from the immune system, he/she can develop psoriasis, eczema as well as hives or generalized scalp itchiness after consumption of products that contain wheat.

Once an individual starts to experience scalp issues after consuming wheat or products that contain wheat, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out. There is a possibility that it might be an allergic reaction or a skin condition.

What are the causes?

Wheat allergy
The cause for the scalp issues due to wheat allergy is linked to the chemical reaction that manifest during an allergy.

The cause for the scalp issues due to wheat allergy is linked to the chemical reaction that manifest during an allergy. Wheat allergy is a result of hypersensitivity of the immune system to one or more proteins present in wheat such as gluten. Today, there are various products in the market that are considered as gluten-free.

Once these proteins are ingested, the immune system reacts to them as a threat. As a result, the body attacks the wheat proteins. Immunoglobulin E antibodies are produced that instigate the release of histamine and other chemicals in the body. These chemicals trigger inflammation in the skin and other soft tissues.


Psoriasis is a lingering skin condition that typically affects the scalp. This is a skin condition that has a direct effect on the cycle of the skin cells which causes them to build up at a rapid manner on the skin surface than normal.

The exact cause of the condition is still unclear but it might be linked with an immune system reaction. Once the scalp develops itchy, dry and painful scales after eating wheat products, the individual might have psoriasis due to wheat allergy. If psoriasis is suspected, the doctor might provide the suitable treatment options to effectively manage the condition.

Other skin reactions

Since skin conditions that affect the scalp are difficult to see, it should be carefully assessed by a dermatologist. Other possible skin reactions that can occur due to wheat allergy in the scalp include hives and eczema. Hives are cluster of welts that manifest in different sizes and shapes in different parts of the body. They are intensely itchy and can migrate from the scalp to other parts of the body.

Considerations to bear in mind

Wheat allergy is often confused with celiac disease which is an autoimmune reaction once gluten-containing products are eaten. In case the scalp issues persist or there is blood in the scalp, a doctor should be consulted.

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