Skin rash due to soy sauce allergy

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Just like with other types of allergies, soy sauce allergy develops once the immune system reacts to the proteins present in the sauce. Always bear in mind that the immune system wrongly identifies the proteins as a threat and generates antibodies that instigate the release of histamine.

Histamine is responsible for triggering symptoms such as skin rash that is commonly linked with food allergy. Soy sauce is comprised of wheat and soybeans which are two common allergens. The only way to avoid a reaction to soy sauce is to eliminate it from the diet as well as all foods that started the reaction in the first place. It is recommended to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that a proper diagnosis can be given whether he/she is allergic to wheat or soy.


Always bear in mind that hives is a typical symptom of wheat and soy allergy and can manifest when the individual consumed food that contains soy sauce. Take note that hives is a skin issue characterized by welts that manifest as red or white, swollen and elevated areas on the skin. The welts can develop abruptly all over the body and quickly vanish. A distinctive quality of welts is their inconsistency since they tend to come and go every 10 minutes up to a few hours.

Soy sauce allergy
Other symptoms include swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat as well as runny nose, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and abdominal cramps.


Eczema is a skin rash triggered by an allergic reaction to soy sauce. This condition is also called as atopic dermatitis that is quite common among children and many outgrow it once adulthood is reached.

This condition is characterized by blisters that drain and crust over, skin discoloration, skin inflammation and redness, raw areas of skin and thickened leather-like skin. When infants are affected by this condition, it initially manifests on the face, scalp, hands and feet. As for older children and adults, the rash typically develops on the interior of the knees and elbows.

What are the symptoms?

Eczema and hives are the two symptoms linked with wheat and soy allergy. Other symptoms include swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat as well as runny nose, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and abdominal cramps.

In severe circumstances, serious symptoms can manifest such as constriction of the airway, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate and loss of consciousness. Remember that this severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis should be managed with a shot of epinephrine.


Eczema can be managed at home by keeping the skin moist and clean. You can utilize lotions of creams that do not contain scents, alcohol, dyes or other chemicals. Avoid foods that trigger an allergic reaction and aggravate the eczema. The doctor might also prescribe a cortisone cream.

Hives typically resolve within a few hours or a few days. On the other hand, both eczema and hives can be managed with orally taken over-the-counter antihistamines that work by reducing the symptoms and hasten the recovery.

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