Cat bite diseases

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Cats have small-sized yet sharp teeth that can easily cause a deep puncture wound. It is important to wash the affected area thoroughly and consult a doctor if you are in doubt. You have to bear in mind that there are some infections that can develop due to the bacteria present in the cat’s mouth such as pasteurella. Aside from this bacterium, there are also other diseases that can come from a cat that is infected with other pests such as fleas.

Cat scratch disease

Cat scratch disease is caused by the Bartonella bacterium that can be acquired if an individual is scratched or bitten by a cat that carries the bacteria. The signs of infection typically manifest about 2-3 weeks after the scratch or bite. The symptoms include bumps, fever, fatigue, swelling of the lymph nodes and headache.

In most individuals, especially healthy ones, the infection will go away on its own without requiring any treatment. On the other hand, those who have a weakened immune system must undergo antibiotic treatment. Always remember that the area that was scratched or bitten must be washed right away with an antiseptic wash. The best way to avoid this disease is to avoid cat scratches and bites.


Rabies is transmitted to humans via an infected cat bite. The virus basically targets the nervous system and eventually leading to death. The initial symptoms include fever, headache and fatigue. Once the disease progresses, the individual will experience confusion, insomnia and anxiety.

Cat bite diseases - fracisella tularensis
If humans are infected with fracisella tularensis, the symptoms include joint stiffness, fever, loss of weight and headaches.

In some cases, once the symptoms manifest, it is already too late. If an individual is bitten by cat, the wound must be treated right away. The affected area must be rinsed thoroughly as a first aid measure in order to minimize the risk for infection and then taking him/her to a doctor for testing and providing the appropriate treatment.


Always bear in mind that there are several species of pasteurella present in the cat’s mouth. Deep wounds due to cat bites will facilitate the entry of the bacterium into the body. The initial symptoms include swelling which occurs within a day. The resulting complications can be localized such as swelling close to the wound and bone infections. It can spread to other parts of the body such as the respiratory system and can result to infections such as pneumonia. This would require antibiotics to treat the condition.

Fracisella tularensis

This virus typically infects small wild animals such as moles. Cats can acquire the disease through fleas and ticks that suck their blood. Among cats, the symptoms include depression, apathy and diminished appetite. If humans are infected, the symptoms include joint stiffness, fever, loss of weight and headaches. Antibiotics are given as part of the treatment for this condition.

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