Chronic dry eyes usually persist for several months. It is important to note that this form of dry eye can last for an extended period and does not easily settle. A doctor must be consulted so that thorough assessment can be carried out.
Do I have chronic dry eyes?
The indications of dry eyes involve around tear production. If not enough tears are produced or the tears are imbalanced, dry eyes occur. The symptoms largely depend on the quality of tears and the amount.
The usual indications of chronic dry eyes might include:
- Excessive tear production
Individuals with chronic dry eyes might notice that their tolerance for reading is reduced. - Scratchy sensation in the eyes
- Sensitivity to wind, smoke or dry environments
- String-like secretions from the eyes
Other indications that might be present include the following:
- Stinging or burning sensation in the eyes
- Fatigue or heavy eyelids
- Gritty sensation beneath the eyelid
- Blurred or cloudy vision
Individuals with chronic dry eyes might notice that their tolerance for reading is reduced. Remember that the indications might arise due to lack of blinking. There is also lack of tears even if the individual wants to cry.
There is also loss of comfort when contact lenses are used. The eyes might feel dry and scratchy when using a certain pair of contacts.
Who are at risk for chronic dry eyes?
Some individuals are prone to end up with dry eyes than others. Adults over 50 years old are likely to suffer from dry eyes as the tear glands deteriorate.
In addition, women with estrogen fluctuations might also end up with eye dryness as well as pregnancy, menopause and those who are using birth control pills.
Other who are likely to end up with chronic dry eyes include:
- Individuals with autoimmune ailments
- Individuals with thyroid conditions
- Individuals with conditions that involve the eye nerves
- Those under medications that can dry the mucus membranes