What is bruxism?

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Bruxism or teeth grinding involves clenching of the jaw or teeth grinding. It is a common condition and many individuals grind their teeth without being aware especially during nighttime.

Possible causes

Even though there is no precise cause for bruxism, it is believed that daily stress might be one of the main reasons. Other possible causes might include:

  • Anxiety or stress
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Inability to relax
    Always bear in mind that teeth grinding can wear them down and lead to dental issues.
  • Sleeping habits
  • Diet
  • Posture
  • Depression

What are the indications of bruxism?

Always bear in mind that teeth grinding can wear them down and lead to dental issues. Jaw clenching can strain on the tissues and muscles around the jaw. The other indications include:

  • Earache
  • Jaw pain
  • Headache
  • Eating disorders
  • Insomnia

If an individual grinds his/her teeth, a dentist should be seen. Prolonged grinding can lead to more detrimental issues with the teeth. The dentist will conduct a physical exam to exclude other possible causes, especially conditions such as ear disorders, dental complications and issues with the jaw joint.


Always bear in mind that bruxism is not a serious ailment, but if not properly treated, it can progress to other bigger issues. The doctor might prescribe medication to reduce the pain or recommend over-the-counter pain medications.

Heat or ice or even massage can be done on the sore muscles in the affected areas. The commonly used treatment options to manage the condition include:

  • Splints
  • Mouth guards
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Orthodontic adjustments

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