Cutaneous candidiasis

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Candidiasis of the skin or cutaneous candidiasis develops if there is overgrowth of Candida on the skin.

This infection causes the formation of a reddened, itchy rash on the skin folds. The rash might also spread to other parts of the body. Even though the symptoms can be bothersome, it is managed with antifungal creams or powders and improved hygiene.

What are the indications?

Cutaneous candidiasis
The main indication of cutaneous candidiasis is a skin rash. The rash often causes intense itchiness and redness.

The main indication of cutaneous candidiasis is a skin rash. The rash often causes intense itchiness and redness. In some cases, the infection causes the skin to crack and become sore. In addition, blisters and pustules might also form.

The rash can affect different parts of the body, but usually in the skin folds such as the groin, armpits, under the breasts and between the fingers.

What are the causes?

Cutaneous candidiasis forms if the skin is infected with Candida. A small amount of the fungi is naturally present on the skin. Once it grows uncontrollably, it can trigger an infection. Remember that this can occur due to the following:

  • Tight or constricting clothing
  • Warm weather
  • Poor hygiene
  • Obesity
  • Infrequent changing of undergarments
  • Antibiotics that eliminate the harmless bacteria that keeps Candida in controlled numbers
  • Corticosteroids or drugs that affect the immune system
  • Weakened immune system due to pregnancy, diabetes or other medical ailments
  • Partial drying of moist or wet skin

Management of cutaneous candidiasis

The skin condition can be prevented with some home remedies, especially with proper hygiene. Regular cleansing of the skin and thorough drying after can prevent the skin from becoming too moist which is vital in lowering the risk for Candida infections.

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