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How to avoid adult acne

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Adult acne can still affect some individuals and might be even worse than during the adolescent years. Actually, it is estimated that some individuals between the ages of 25-44 can end up with adult acne at some point.

It is more than just a cosmetic or aesthetic issue since adult acne can affect the quality of life regardless of the age or severity of the condition. When dealing with recurrent breakouts, finding a way to achieve clearer skin can help improve body image and self-esteem.

Remember that there is no single cause of adult acne and due to this, there is no fool-proof way to avoid or control it. Acne is shaped by various factors where most are out of our control. Yet, how one treats his/her skin has a vital role.

Measures to avoid adult acne

Check skin and hair products used

Adult acne
Cosmetics, hair conditioners, pomades, gels, moisturizers, shaving products, sunscreens and other products that contain oil can block the pores, thus resulting to a breakout.

Cosmetics, hair conditioners, pomades, gels, moisturizers, shaving products, sunscreens and other products that contain oil can block the pores, thus resulting to a breakout. Simply changing skin and hair products that do not clog the pores (non-comedogenic) can make a big difference in the overall appearance of the skin.

With this in mind, carefully check the labels on all hair and skin products used if they are marked as oil-free and non-comedogenic. Additionally, try to consider if you truly need every product being used. Even those that are labelled as “dermatologist tested” can trigger adult acne in some.

Reducing the number of products used can help reduce outbreaks. While exercising, try to use minimal or not at all if possible. Even the oil-free and non-comedogenic products can clog up pores if used during strenuous, sweaty activities.

Limit or avoid touching affected areas

Continuously touching the area with adult acne can encourage the growth of bacteria and cause infection. Avoid picking on or squeezing since this can drive the bacteria in adult acne deeper into the skin, resulting to increased inflammation and possibly permanent scarring.

Avoid over cleansing and using strong scrubs

Remember that adult acne is not triggered by dirt, thus regular washing using harsh substances will not help the problem. Actually, it can worsen the condition by instigating excess production of oil and more blemishes.

Simply wash the skin gently from beneath the jaw up to the hairline using mild soap once or twice in a day.

Reduce the level of stress

When under stress, the body releases stress hormones such as cortisol that can stimulate excess oil production from the sebaceous glands in the skin.  The excess oil combines with bacteria and dead skin cells that causes adult acne to develop or become worse.

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