How to deal with body lice infestation

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Body lice infestation occurs if lice invades the body and clothing. It is important to note that lice are parasites that feed on human blood particularly in the body, head and pubic region.

An infestation is typically spread via close contact with other individuals with poor hygiene or staying in crowded areas. Remember that good hygiene and regular washing of clothes and bed linens are enough to prevent a body lice infestation.

What are the causes?

The body louse is bigger than the other types of lice. They can lay their eggs and leave droppings on the skin and clothing. A body lice infestation can spread via direct contact or via used bed linens, clothing and towels.

Rash triggered by an allergic response to the bites of the body lice.

Generally, an infestation of body lice is limited to individuals living in unhygienic conditions or crowded spaces as well as those who do not have access to clean clothing.

What are the signs?

The usual indications of a body lice infestation include:

  • Severe itchiness
  • Reddened bumps on the skin
  • Rash triggered by an allergic response to the bites of the body lice
  • Darkened or thick skin, usually close to the groin or waist if lice has been present in the area for a long time

Dealing with body lice infestation

A body lice infestation is generally managed with better personal hygiene practices and regular changing of clean, washed clothing.

All clothes, towels and bed linens used by the infested individual must be washed using hot water and dried in the hottest setting.

Medications that eliminate lice which is known as pediculicides can be used to deal with a body lice infestation. Nevertheless, it is not typically needed if clothing has been washed and personal hygiene is maintained.

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