How to properly manage dehydration

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Almost 60% of the body is comprised of water and once the water supply is reduced, dehydration can eventually set in. Those who suffer from mild cases of dehydration can often manage the condition by increasing the intake of fluids as well as limiting the usage of diuretics.

Once an individual suffers from a severe case of dehydration, it would require care from a healthcare professional in order to effectively restore the proper balance of fluid in the system. If you want to learn ways to manage dehydration as well as prevent it from occurring in the first place, read here.

Increasing the intake of fluids

Always bear in mind that drinking water is vital for those who are suffering from dehydration. Even though it can be enticing to consume large amounts of water at the initial sign of dehydration, this will only lead to vomiting.

Once an individual suffers from a severe case of dehydration, it would require care from a healthcare professional in order to effectively restore the proper balance of fluid in the system.

The best approach is to encourage the individual to drink small amounts of water over an extended period of time. Even though most healthy individuals are required to drink at least half of their body weight in fluid ounces every day, the required amount might be higher for those who are currently suffering from dehydration.

Replacement of electrolytes

Dehydration is connected with the loss of fluid stores in the body, but an electrolyte imbalance also plays a vital role in the development and progression of the condition. By increasing the consumption of certain electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and chloride, it can be highly effective for those who are suffering from dehydration.

There are sports drinks that contain adequate amounts of electrolytes and can be useful when it comes to restoring the hydration levels. In case the individual does not have access to these products, the similar result can be achieved by adding a small amount of table salt and sugar to bottle or tap water.

Avoid the use of diuretics

It is vital to avoid using diuretics especially those who are suffering from dehydration. Conventionally, diuretics are products that promote the elimination of urine and electrolytes from the body and can actually contribute to an increase in the dehydration rates.

Even though diuretics are available in prescription form, alcoholic drinks such as wine and beer are also considered as diuretics as well as caffeinated beverages. Individuals who are suffering from dehydration or has a history of the condition in the past must limit the intake of these beverages to avoid the serious complications from developing.

When medical treatment is needed

In most cases of dehydration, it can be easily managed at home with natural remedies. Those who are suffering from severe cases of dehydration might actually need medical care and even hospitalization. A healthcare professional must be consulted if the individual experiences confusion, lethargy, dizziness and lightheadedness. Dry skin and mucous membranes, rapid heart rate and blood in the stool are indications of serious dehydration and require immediate medical attention.

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