Itchiness: What are the ideal remedies?

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Itchiness might be more than a minor annoyance. It can trigger significant discomfort and even become a distraction. Luckily, there are remedies that can help manage the itchiness.

The skin can become itchy for various reasons. Directly handling a certain type of plant such as poison ivy or ragweed are usual causes for itchiness. Other causes include psoriasis, insect bites or healing from a cut or burn.


Itchiness triggered by various causes can be managed with colloidal oatmeal. This form of oatmeal is produced from oats that has been finely pulverized into very refined powder. It is utilized in various lotions or soaps and can also be included in a cool bath.

Aloe vera

Directly handling a certain type of plant such as poison ivy or ragweed are usual causes for itchiness.

An aloe vera gel is a simple remedy for itchiness caused by mosquito bites or sunburn. If a plant is available, break off a leaf and apply the gel on the affected area. You can also purchase a gel-variant in most drug stores.


Moisturizers work by holding water in the outermost skin layer. This helps in keeping the skin properly hydrated and less dry and itchy.

Cold therapy

When dealing with the itchiness caused by mosquito bites, apply a cold compress or bag filled with ice. Just make sure that the affected area is not exposed to hot water since it can further irritate the skin.


Antihistamines is a widely used treatment for allergic reaction. It is important to note that histamines are the chemicals in the body that trigger the allergy symptoms including itchiness.

The oral variants can cause sleepiness which makes them ideal to be taken before bed. Using the topical variants on the affected site is ideal to avoid the side effects linked with the oral variants.


An anti-itch cream that contains at least 1% hydrocortisone can be used. It works by preventing the inflammatory responses within the body as well as help pacify inflamed, itchy skin.

When to consult a doctor

Depending on the root cause, set an appointment with a doctor if the itchiness persists for 3 or more days.

Even though itchiness does not always indicate a serious condition, generalized itchiness might be a sign of a serious ailment including kidney, thyroid or liver disease or even cancer.

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