The elbow pain that is often linked with weightlifting is the result of golfer’s elbow. Poor techniques while lifting weights can overload the tendons and muscles in the elbow which results to tenderness and pain on the exterior part of the joint and throughout the interior aspect of the forearm. In most cases, it is often accompanied by weakening of the wrist and hand along with numbness or tingling in the fingers and rigidity or immobility of the affected elbow. There are several self-care measures suitable for managing the condition.
An initial measure that can help improve elbow pain is to allow the affected area to rest. Just remember that it does not necessarily mean that the individual has to cease lifting completely. As an alternative, give more emphasis on the legs until the pain recedes.
Do not attempt to lift using the arms again as long as pain is not triggered. Stop right away if the elbow becomes sore to prevent it from getting worse.
Application of ice
Apply an ice pack on the affected elbow. The use of cold therapy reduces the inflammation on any injured tissue in order to alleviate the pain. It is recommended to apply cold on the elbow not more than 15-20 minutes at a time for 4 times throughout the day. More than this might actually make the condition worse.
Using compression with an elastic bandage on the affected elbow can help reduce the pain. Similar to the application of ice, compression minimizes the inflammation of the damaged tissue to reduce the discomfort. Nevertheless, continue wrapping the affected elbow even after the pain subsides especially before lifting.
The elastic bandage can reduce the load on the elbow, thus reducing the strain on the tendons, muscles and joint. Another alternative is to utilize a forearm strap to reduce the load from lifting.
Consulting a personal trainer
The best way to prevent re-injury is to consult a personal trainer at a local gym. It is important to note that the technique might be responsible for causing the strain on the muscles and tendons of the elbow.
By working with a personal trainer, this can be corrected by showing the right way to lift. It is vital to maintain a rigid wrist position to reduce the load on the elbow. The personal trainer will also help the individual ease back into this sport by selecting activities that are not stressful on the elbows.
Proper stretching
Proper stretching that involves the tendons and muscles in the elbow and forearm is also beneficial. An ideal exercise is the wrist flexor stretch which stretches out the muscles that are used in lifting weights.