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Causes of buttock pain

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Buttock pain can be triggered by the buttock structures or referred from other parts of the body such as the lower back. Always bear in mind that the buttock pain can range from minor to intense and in some cases, it can drastically affect the quality of life and capability to perform daily activities at home or work.


Coccydynia or pain in the tailbone can trigger buttock pain. Even though the exact cause of most cases is unknown, it can be due to trauma such as childbirth or falls along with infection, unusual tailbone mobility, fractures and tumors. The usual signs and symptoms include the following:

  • Pain with pressure on the tailbone
  • Tailbone pain while moving from a seated to standing position
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
    Buttock pain
    Coccydynia or pain in the tailbone can trigger buttock pain.
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Deep ache in the tailbone

These symptoms often subside once the pressure is removed from the tailbone. In most cases, relief is achieved when walking or standing. An individual with coccydynia can be managed with conservative treatment. A custom seat cushion with a cutout in the center can be beneficial since it promotes the healing process by reducing pressure on the affected area.

Buttock pain in piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome can cause buttock pain. The piriformis is a pear-shaped muscle that links the base of the spine with the thigh bone. This muscle helps turn the thigh outwards.

In most individuals, the sciatic nerve travels below the piriformis muscle but in some individuals, the nerve compresses the muscle. Due to the closeness of the muscle to the sciatic nerve, a tight piriformis muscle presses on the nerve and trigger buttock pain along with tingling and numbness. The condition can be worsened by extended periods of sitting.


This condition can trigger buttock pain which involves inflammation affecting the sacroiliac joints. These joints connect the base of the spine with the hip bones. The buttock pain can radiate down towards the rear part of one or both legs and often aggravated by periods of extended standing or climbing stairs.

The condition is worsened by bearing weight on one leg than the other, running or executing extreme spinal positions. In addition, the condition is associated with spondyloarthropathies which is a collection of conditions characterized by spinal inflammatory arthritis. Other causes of sacroilitis include osteoarthritis, traumatic injuries, infection and pregnancy.

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