Mild heartburn

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Heartburn is described as a burning feeling in the upper part of the abdomen at the rear of the breastbone. The discomfort might move from the diaphragm to the rear part of the throat and often escorted by a sour taste in the mouth.

In most cases, an individual experiences heartburn occasionally, usually after a large or spicy meal. If an individual has an episode once every month, it is considered as a mild case. In case it occurs once a week, it is considered moderate. If it arises daily, it is categorized as severe.

Management of mild heartburn

When dealing with a mild or moderate case of heartburn, it might require some dietary and lifestyle changes to prevent recurrence.

Mild heartburn
In most cases, an individual experiences heartburn occasionally, usually after a large or spicy meal.

Some of the suitable suggestions to keep the episodes under control include:

  • Eat small frequent meals instead of 3 large meals. This will help prevent the excessive release of stomach acid.
  • Try to eat in a slow manner.
  • Avoid sleeping with a full stomach. It is recommended to stay awake for at least 3 hours after eating the last meal or snack before going to bed. This allows the level of acid an opportunity to lower.
  • Elevate the head of the bed for several inches. This helps prevent reflux at night time.
  • Avoid the potential triggers for heartburn such as coffee, fatty foods, alcohol, onions, caffeinated beverages and foods, chocolate, peppermint, tomatoes and citrus fruits or juices.
  • Limiting or cessation of smoking. It is important to note that nicotine can lead to the deterioration of the lower esophageal sphincter which controls the opening amid the esophagus and stomach and averts the stomach acid from moving up the esophagus.
  • Wear slack clothes. Using tight or constricting clothes in the mid-section of the body might push the stomach contents upwards
  • Cut down weight to alleviate the symptoms of heartburn.
  • Chewing on gum can offer brief relief by motivating the production of saliva that thins and flushes out the stomach acid.
  • Provide warm liquids to drink such as a lukewarm water or any form of herbal tea after meals to weaken and flush out the stomach acid.

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